Web Design ServiceAdvertising Agencies & Consultants
Monday – Friday: 8 AM to 5 PM
Driving Directions:
Freshy's Binghamton office is located on Front Street in Binghamton NY's downtown district, directly across the street from the Roberson Museum and Science Center.
About Us
We are the world’s leading WordPress agency.
Freshy is a fully in-house WordPress website design and website development company.
We've made thoughtful and beautiful design, fast turn-around, and the very best in customer service the foundation of Freshy.
We focus on website design, development, maintenance, support, and retainer services for WordPress CMS. We pride ourselves on best-in-industry expertise and reliability. We have supported over 2,200 amazing clients since our launch in 2011, which range from small sole proprietors to major corporations with a regional and national presence.
We would love the chance to work with you on your next website project!
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